Identifying the bands that appear in old photographs is a difficult project. In some cases the photographs are mislabelled. Often the band is not identified at all and guesses are made as to the date of the photo. The following photo is a case in point. The band is typical in size (15 players), instrumentation (the trombone appears to be a valve trombone) and uniform (military style). But the name is missing.
First Nations Brass Band, ca. 1890
Band and photographer unidentified.
BC Archives H-02428
First Nations Brass Band marching during the May 24, 1900, parade in Victoria
BC Archives I-61540
First Nations Brass Band marching during the 1923 Dominion Day celebrations in Ocean Falls.
BC Archives I-28190
First Nations Brass Band marching during a funeral in Hazelton, 1961. This may be the Kitimat Band.
BC Archives AA-00392
No information on this photo. The Band appears to be on a pier and may be one of the bands of the north coast.
BC Archives H-06500
Brentzents Band, ca. 1913.
Author: Brian Stride (2012)
Return to First Nations Brass BandsUpdated 2012 Feb 24, 23:56 EST/EDT